Our little man is 19 months old today. Dang. Where has that time gone?? He has evolved from the world's fussiest baby to a happy, mischievious little toddler. Those first
couple, several, dozen or so months he joined us in this world I spent many a night doubting my abilities as a mother. Why can't I make this little creature happy? What does he want/need/require? If the mom can't make him happy then who the hell can? But, here we are - he's already 19 months old and it seems like YEARS ago that I was struggling with trying to make him like me! But now, I just love hearing him laugh - albeit when he's climbing on something that he shouldn't be or getting into some sort of trouble. The addition of this little man to our family has made us complete and I couldn't be more pleased.
So so cute!
Oh...cuteness climbing out of the pics and eating my eyeballs!
Handsome chap, happy 'sort of' birthday.
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