Today was AMAZING weather in Minnesota - a beautiful fall day. Me and a whole gaggle of my creepy friends met up at spectacular playground for a few hours of visiting and letting the kids run free...
We're all gearing up for the Liz Goodman Logelin Memorial 5k on Sunday and were blessed to have Matt and Madeline join in the fun this morning...
While hanging out talking to Matt, I recognized a few kids from another blog I stalk...and sure enough, after confirming with the adult of THEIR group - There were My Charming Kids...Talk about a CRAZY small world!
After getting home and getting settled in, I went about my usual blog stroll and MckMama had blogged about her nanny and kids running into us at the park...too funny!
Anyway - I've said it before and I'll say it again - I am so lucky to have stumbled right smack dab into the middle of this group of amazing women (and men...since it was Matt that connected us all!!)
First off - one of our creepy friends - Kate in Texas - sent along something for us all to enjoy during the playdate...BACON FLAVORED MINTS!!
Those things smelled terrible...but I'm told tasted interesting, yet not as bad as they smelled! Kudos to Matt for trying one - and to the rest of you that did...EEK! (says the girl whose kids ate their snacks off the concrete for an hour...one with his TONGUE! - if/when Matt emails me the pic of D eating off the ground I'll post it)
I finally got my turn to hold Madeline!!
A little kiss to make the tears go away...
Look at this frilly little sweetheart - with her skinner on her knee! (and I'm not sure little J. likes sharing his Mama either, even though this is the same sweetheart offering him up kisses earlier)
Hey Darcie-
Anyway you can email me the pics from yesterday? You got some good shots that I missed out on. (the one of Anna on KJ's lap)
Hey, food off of the ground is good!
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