Our little princess!!
See for yourself!!
Check out Megan's site here!!
If that doesn't make a Mama proud I don't know what does! I'm soo excited to see the rest of the pictures - we've just seen the sneak peek thus far! (She's the one that snapped the adorable new pic in our blog header!!)
If you want to see our sneak peek - go here...
Anyway - I go about the day getting a ton of stuff done at the office, the hubs is pickin up the children so I stop off for groceries and decide I'm going to whip up dinner that for once, isn't mac n cheese, hot dogs, cereal or ramen noodles...
I get water boiling on the stove for pasta and preheat the oven, to FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY DEGREES for garlic toast...then...I take off to chase the children...you know, break up a fight, change a diaper, retrieve something from under the couch - when I returned to the kitchen, smoke was billowing out of the vent on the top...
Birthday party remnants from two weeks ago!! A large plastic platter with a few random cupcakes...in the center of the stove! Put there so the dog wouldn't be tempted by them on the counter - not tossed out because...well, who the hell knows why!
Let me just tell you the stench that melted plastic sent throughout the house - not to mention the smoke that was so thick you could barely see across the room at times! Thank heavens my husband was home to help bail me out of this one - opening every window ASAP, (brrrrr!) getting out the fans, helping to clean up this mess! Sheesh! The silver lining?? Our smoke alarm - did not - go off! WHAT? They are supposed to be hard wired into our house - AND we use batteries...so this was a blessing in disguise really.
While the house was clearing out of smoke, the kids and I were hiding out downstairs. H was watching a movie and D was reading story books to the dog. I had just gotten done chatting online with some gal pals about how GREAT our dog is with our kids, and everyone else's kids, etc etc. Then, D and Bmann decided to start playing with a stuffed animal - D would throw it, Bmann would catch it, he'd drop it, D would grab it and toss it Bosco would catch it, etc etc...And then...in true, obnoxious dog fashion...Bosco decided he didn't want to let go of the stuffed toy and put his big fat paw up to stop D from grabbing it - Right. Across. His. Face.
We were really lucky as D's scratches extend from the tops of his eyelid down to under his chin - thankfully his eyeball wasn't scratched! These pics were shortly after the fact - today he looks good - only one of the scratches across his face stuck around and the ones on his eyelid don't seem to be bothering him...thank goodness pics were LAST weekend!
damn dog!
I think he's remorseful...and no, we didn't beat him...they were playing together soo well, soo cute...and then...things just went sour!
Oh, Darcie! Your poor little man!
This is just my favorite story EVAR!!! Maybe cuz it is totally something I'd do, and I don't like feeling like a big dork all by myself. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm sorry the puppeh got your little man in the face. :-( We have that problem here, too, with the dog being WAY too big and strong and rambunctious for her own good! I bet Bosco felt bad!
YES!! You blogged about the cupcakes!! SO sorry about your little one. :( That looks painful. Oh, and I can totally see why they featured your daughter's pic! SO stunning!
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