already? man, time really DOES fly doesn't it? I know people tell you that all the time, but it really is true...too true!
We kicked off 'birthday week' with a balloon bouquet from Grandma Betty & Grandpa Tim...If there's one thing this little girl loves as much as her birthday - it's mail and/or packages! She was beside herself with excitement!

The poor kid had just
That's right folks - our four year old princess wanted ONLY a hamburger cake for her birthday! We had seen them in the display case at Target a couple of months back...and every time I asked her what she wanted for her birthday cake - THIS came up...our mostly vegetarian daughter - wanted ONLY a hamburger cake for her fourth birthday.
No Barbie Cake, No Princess Castle Cake, No Polly Pocket Cake...
Nope...THIS, is all she wanted!
(Well, she also had been asking for an American Girl Doll but we all know THIS frugal mom wouldn't splurge on that now don't we! Golden Birthday or not!!)

I'll admit it - I might have been a little stressed out about getting things ready for the party...and in my haste, I ordered the cake for the day before her actual BIRTHDAY, not the day before her actual party...So imagine my surprise when I went to pick it up, and they had no clue what I was talking about...
Thankfully, the bakers at Target worked their baking magic and were able to produce the hamburger cake in record time and it was ready a whole hour before our party!!
She. Was. Thrilled!

Little Brother - not-so-much.
He wanted a hamburger cake too!!

But being the most wunnerful caring compassionate big sister that she is...
She shared with him!
(and a side note, he really does FANTASTIC while she opens up all of her presents - he is almost as excited for her as she is and doesn't seem to mind that they aren't for him - though he did get some gifts of his own from friends of ours, including baseball cards from Sattler and Matchbox cars from Peggy and her crew!)

Because Target was unsure they could produce the specialty cake in time...I had to pick up a back up...just in case...and besides that - I had originally been expecting about 20 more people than actually ended up showing up to the party - so I thought I would have to feed that many more this cake ended up going to daycare for birthday treats as we now have to supply those...

I let H pick out whatever pinata she, they make soo many cute pinatas these days...But, there was no convincing her otherwise, she wanted the unicorn pinata and ONLY the unicorn pinata...
So be least it's one we get to beat open vs. those silly safe versions where each kid gets to pull a string and hope it opens the trap door releasing all the loot! Besides that, when I was a kid, I LOOOOVED unicorns!

Bosco however, does NOT love unicorns!

The other kids all took turns having a whack at the unicorn...

And after the pinata cracked apart and just the head was left...
Bosco had great fun leaping and bounding after it!!

And once he got the head off - this is all that was left...

The boys had fun playing...(we really do need some preschool aged girlfriends!)

And Ian chomped on his medal...

She blew out her candle and made a wish....

And our fabulous neighbor friends made it come true!

I love that she had braids in, and so did Molly - her new doll!
She is in loove with Molly and has been carting her around ever since...What wonderful neighbors and friends we have -making her Golden Birthday everything she could have possibly wished for and more! Barbies, Polly Pockets, Coloring Books with special markers, clothes, board games, candy, name it - she got it!

Abby ran home and got all dolled up for Homecoming - and then came back to show us how beautiful she looked...

While the party wound down...

It sort of seemed like some were just getting started!!

Yep...Those birthdays...They really are reason to celebrate!
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