Think Spring that's what! We busied ourselves with some free projects from the Home Depot...
D a little bean bag toss and H a bird house...(I had wanted two birdhouses but whatever)
We're all ready for the arrival of spring in this house...
All dried up are the creek beds that run through our yards...
And we no longer have mountains to climb...not of this variety anyway...
Winter seems to last forever around here...
(an attempt at a photo of all 3 of our babes...)
And speaking of 'over winter' this past winter season I decided to finally 'overwinter' my geraniums...I'd heard of people doing it...with much success ~ so I decided to give it a whirl myself...
I dug my geraniums up, shook off the dirt and closed them up in brown paper bags under our staircase...and then promptly forgot about them...
** Turns out a person is supposed to take them out a couple/three times over the winter and soak their roots in water for a few hours...then put them back in the brown paper bag...

But they seemed like they might be ok...even with this gardener wanna be in charge...this is how they looks about 2 weeks after sticking what looked like dead geranium stems in dirt...
But they seemed like they might be ok...even with this gardener wanna be in charge...this is how they looks about 2 weeks after sticking what looked like dead geranium stems in dirt...
So excited for spring! Cute birdhouse. We made one last year. This year our seedlings were our spring project.
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