For quite a long time, the world saved a place.
Millions were born, yet none filled your space...
Until the second of a minute of one special day,
you took your first breath and the world said HOORAY!
Perfectly timed. Not one minute more.
You suddenly were where you were not before.
You think big ideas and original schemes.
Your wide-eyed wishes are your dreamiest dreams.
On the day you were born, the world grew by one
Life with big purpose and much to be done.
Look in the mirror, Love who you see.
Stand tall. Smile big.
Shout - HOORAY for ME! ~
~ Excerpts from my favorite children's book of all time - Hooray of You - A Celebration of You-Ness by local author of many many many fantabulous books - Marianne Richmond.
(the photo below was taken by the uber talented Nancy of s.w.a.N.k. Photo)

My Dearest H ~
Today, on your fifth birthday...My wish for you is that you always celebrate the You-Ness of You. That you always know how very very much you are loved.
Even, no, especially...
Especially on the days where we are busy and rushed and things don't seem to be going just right.
I wish for you that you will always always ALWAYS know you are loved. To feel that love. To soak it all in and to spread that love yourself...With your adorable girly-girl giggle, your bright, beautiful brown eyes, your tender heart and your caring soul...
May you be forever be surrounded by love and all of the things that make you happy.
You - you make me happy.
Happy Fifth Birthday my Dear Sweet Baby Girl.
I love you forever. I love you for always.
xoxo ~ Mom
Millions were born, yet none filled your space...
Until the second of a minute of one special day,
you took your first breath and the world said HOORAY!
Perfectly timed. Not one minute more.
You suddenly were where you were not before.
You think big ideas and original schemes.
Your wide-eyed wishes are your dreamiest dreams.
On the day you were born, the world grew by one
Life with big purpose and much to be done.
Look in the mirror, Love who you see.
Stand tall. Smile big.
Shout - HOORAY for ME! ~
~ Excerpts from my favorite children's book of all time - Hooray of You - A Celebration of You-Ness by local author of many many many fantabulous books - Marianne Richmond.
(the photo below was taken by the uber talented Nancy of s.w.a.N.k. Photo)

My Dearest H ~
Today, on your fifth birthday...My wish for you is that you always celebrate the You-Ness of You. That you always know how very very much you are loved.
Even, no, especially...
Especially on the days where we are busy and rushed and things don't seem to be going just right.
I wish for you that you will always always ALWAYS know you are loved. To feel that love. To soak it all in and to spread that love yourself...With your adorable girly-girl giggle, your bright, beautiful brown eyes, your tender heart and your caring soul...
May you be forever be surrounded by love and all of the things that make you happy.
You - you make me happy.
Happy Fifth Birthday my Dear Sweet Baby Girl.
I love you forever. I love you for always.
xoxo ~ Mom
oh, what a sweet post for your little angel. Very nice.
A very Happy Belated Birthday to her! She is such a wonder every time I see her.
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