Some people have talents, and some don't.
I fall into that latter category, and I take no shame in that.
My cousin's wife however, she definitely falls into the talent category.
As a busy stay-at-home military wife, Amanda has found herself some time to create a little business.
She has some great stuff on her Facebook page,
go ahead and see for yourself!
Our kids are totally into Despicable Me, so when I saw Amanda had these super adorable hats...
I knew I had to order one of each!
Just LOOKIT how cute these are!
The kids have been wearing them out in public...
And everywhere we go, people comment on them.
What a fun way to stay warm in Winter!
If you've got to bundle up, you might as well look amazing and turn a few heads while you are doing it, no?
If you'd like to order your own Minion hats or one of Amanda's other great creations, please visit her Facebook Page HERE!
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*** This is a shameless plug for a family member's business. We ordered and paid full price for our hats, which we love, and we were not compensated for this post. ***
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