Back to school is SUCH an exciting time, for both kids, AND their parents,
am I right??
Actually, I love having the kiddos home and we love our Minnesota Summers...but getting back into a routine is really nice too...
Back to school means a lot of things to a lot of people - and one of those things that goes hand in hand is SHOPPING!
We don't rush out and do a lot of back to school shopping, except for getting the things off of the 'must have to start fourth grade' school supply type lists.
A new outfit, a couple of tops or bottoms here and there...
The rest can wait...
It's fun to get new stuff a month into school, too, isn't it?
My newly minted 10 year old and I headed to one of our favs...
Gordmans is a place that everyone wins!
So very very much to pick from, even when we don't always have the same thing in mind!
Shopping can be a real chore, some days.
But affordable sports apparel for everyone?
It's so fun to watch her come into her own, choose her own things...
And the price tags at Gordmans make me feel so much better about this whole we almost have a teenager in the house thing!
Stylish gym shoes, for when cute flip flops and sandals just won't do!
And accessories!
This little purse is so cute, you just may see me using it from time to time!
Or, at these prices, we could each get our own!
Gordmans has become a family favorite - so much to choose from and prices that allow us to choose entire outfits, complete with accessories, not just a piece here, a piece there!
Have you shopped Gordmans lately?
What was your great find?
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*** I was offered a gift card to Gordmans in order to facilitate this blog post. I was not otherwise compensated for this post. ***
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