Because we are a two parent working household, with no family in town...
date nights are virtually unheard of.
They AREN'T non-existent, but it sure feels like it.
We get a sitter from time to time, but man, who can afford them?
But when the kids are in school?
The Hubs spun the big wheel at Family Night out at a St. Paul Saints game and won $100!
Well, not really, it's a $100 play card thingy...
And so play we did!
But one of us is a double-upper, and one of us isn't...
I'll let you decide who's who, if you don't already know!
Even looking into the sun, this man humored me and posed for a selfie with our winnings...
not quite the $100+ we had hoped for, but...........
And a great lunch, a bit closer to home, where our luck continued!
A chip in the shape of Minnesota!
That's pretty cool!
As much as I love our kids and the family we've built, I think date-days and date-nights are so so important. Do you date your spouse regularly?
What's your favorite date night?
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