So I thought it would be a nice surprise for me to get my man some tickets to the Twins game as the Yankees are in town...As you may or may not know - our son is named after a NYY - Derek Jeter - if my hubby had his way - the kid would be named Jeter. We compromised.
Anyway - while it didn't turn out to be a real surprise, I did end up getting four tickets to the Twins/Yankees game for Monday - GREAT seats between home plate and 3rd base - face value was $55 on these damn things AND, they came with an autographed Ron Gardenhire ball - oh yeah baby - an autograph of the ornery coach? What a great find! And just so you know, these suckers weren't exactly free either -
I had visions of meeting Derek Jeter and telling him how our son is named after him, him handing me a wad of cash for carrying on his name, ok, maybe not-so-much, but a few pictures of this player on the field at least...
Monday night date night - sounds great!
So we chit-chat about the game, about who will go, etc etc and apparently he thought I was kidding about going and that I didn't really care to go, because he'll be going with three of his good buddies instead of his wife...
I brought up the idea of going with our good friends Ryan and Alicia...we used to do that back in the day - before children (now there are 3 under three between us)...cheap dates she and I were - having 2 for 1's in the Rally Room at the dome, spending time people watching and catching up...The hubby reminded me that the game doesn't start til 7:10, getting close to bedtime for the kids, blah blah blah...You know damn well our kids will be up til at least 10 pm now...
He'd better come home tanked with a belly full of dome dogs to get my monies worth out of the boys that are attending in my place...what will we do while Daddy's enjoying a night out at the ball game?
F*ck with his playstation of course.
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