This year was no exception, only just H and I went to Gary and Tammy' 7 pm...and were home by 7:15. And by 7:16 - this is H!
Coat on, boots on...passed out cold. Literally, within a minute of coming home. Why did we go over there alone? Well, the little brother had fallen fast asleep at 4:30 pm - we tried waking him at 5 to no avail - he was just that tired...I knew the little Miss wasn't going to be far behind so we at least wanted to go over and say hi - Tammy gave her a noise maker (and a couple of Oreo Cookies!!) and she loved it - came home and sat on the floor honking that thing - I kept telling her to stop so she wouldn't wake her brother - she got mad, laid down and voila...promptly passed out!
None of us had been feeling the best or had gotten any rest with all the goings on as of late so it was much needed...but on New Year's?? A chance to sit and visit with other adults while the kids kept busy and out of our hair? A night of having a drink or two and then walking home??
GRRRR...maybe next year!?!
But then again...A night where BOTH kids are asleep by 7:30 pm? A chance to watch a whole move (not Curious George, Cars, or Flushed Away?) from start to finish all in one sitting? Being asleep myself by 10:30 pm? That is pretty damn special too!
Hope your New Year's Eve was an uneventful as ours! Happy New Year to you and yours!!
Yeah, I did that on New Years, too!
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