Shoot - don't cost nuthin' to dust it off and put air in the tires right?
We also have this handy dandy bike trailer - that I have been using as the world's best stroller for the last couple of years...
Who knew it would be so easy to pull behind the bike I already have?
Check out the hubs taking it for a test spin around our cul de sac! Not sure what we'll do with the dog on such trips as he mostly just gets in the way running in front of the wheels of the bike ~ I'm too old to be going ass over tea kettle on the bike anymore. I am however, looking forward to getting out and getting some exercise and keeping the two little ones somewhat contained! HA!
I have yet to take them further than the cul de sac but my hubs hopped right on and took them for a 6+ mile ride this week - not too shabby!
A bicycle built for two? Who says? Hails insisted that her little neighbor boyfriend hop in while we figured out how to rig this apparatus up!
Three fits quite nicely in there - dontcha think??
You go! That is awesome. You've already seen how I feel about bicycling with the kiddo. You also live in an area full of bike trails.
@AmeliaSprout - you've been a huge inspiration to me - I've been trying to run/jog but the fact of the matter is, I'm too out of shape to make much headway, therefore, I get discouraged. It's amazing how far you can get on a bike without realizing you are using some muscles!! So, THANK YOU!
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