our children's cousin -
They came and spent a night/day with us from up nort' - something that happens far too frequently these days...in fact, he was just a baby when we saw him last!

I've been having so much fun with my SLR camera - I know I have a long way to go in the picture taking department - I can't remember a thing from class - but I'm sure having fun snapping frame-ables! Once I am com fortable with my camera - and have photoshop in my possession - look out!

D was very excited to spend some time with his little cousin -
We took the kids outside to hang out and play -
Where our little tiny lap dog made himself at home on HIS Daddy's lap!

And then I just had fun trying to capture Luke's personality...again, I've got a long way to go - but boy am I having fun trying!

And then I just had fun trying to capture Luke's personality...again, I've got a long way to go - but boy am I having fun trying!

Andy is still a hit with the littles - even though he's got his own kid now!

Yep, it's always nice to have family around - even if it's only a couple of times a year - We just have to get better at attempting to leave town and visit them more often...now, how do you fit more hours into each day again?
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