We've been meaning to go there FOREVER but just haven't gotten the chance to go yet - but finally, after setting up a playdate with some of our creepiest friends...we finally went!
The big slide was a little bit more intimidating than our little guy at home!

But all the kids seemed to have fun!

I even ended up going down it once - I had planned on meeting H up at the top to go down with her but she went down herself before I had a chance - so I went with Cole instead...but - for some reason - a half a dozen slides later - H was afraid at the top...
THANK YOU NANCY for going down with her for me!
It was fun...but a little, um...scary? for me! HA!
Thankfully they have stoppers at the bottom to catch people! I should have taken some video of the kids going down...what a RIOT! (next time for sure!)

They had soo much fun stuff for the kids - I really should think about booking a birthday party there - the problem is...people ALWAYS say they are coming with their kids and then back out on us last minute - so it would be a bunch of Mommy and Daddy's friends hopping around the bounce houses and slides for two hours...
wait...that could be pretty fun....
D and J playing ball -

H and a few of her little boyfriends (8.5 kids on this playdate and H was the only mobile girl!)
The highlight of the playdate...the only other creeplet girl on the playdate! Baby Grace! (that is, unless of course, the baby taking up residence in B's belleh is a girl!) One of the other little guys - 2 year old C just got himself a brand new baby sister (born on MY birthday) but she made her debut a little early and weighed in at under 2 pounds...it's going to be a little bit before she gets to join us on these excursions - but she will...and she'll be keeping up with all these boys I just know it!
I wish we could have gotten 4 year old B in this picture with his friends - but as I've been learning myself - photographing 4 is tougher than any other age! He wanted nothing to do with us...and were it not for Grace - I bet H wouldn't of either!
H was pretty smitten with that baby - and it's hard to believe that she got a chance to hold her with all of us other baby hoggers around - (or is it the other way around?) but she did - and she was pleased as punch...
And she was kind enough to let some of the others have a turn...
But she promptly got her back!

Sadly, we didn't realize until we got home that D never got a turn to hold little Grace. He was so upset talking about how he didn't get to hold her - I chalked it up to him being tired...but when Daddy arrived home from work - and H excitedly told him about the baby and her barbie - D, on the verge of tears AGAIN, retold the story of how he didn't get to hold her.
Poor little guy...he loves babies too!
We'll just have to make sure to canoodle and snorgle her before she grows up on us!
See you soon Baby Grace!
So, do you think we should plan a Cribsheet playdate at Pumo It Up this winter?
Henry just went to a birthday at Pump it Up on Sunday. It's a cool idea - but *so* expensive for a birthday party, $250 umm, no thank you.
Maybe that's just me - I'm doing the $8.50 per child b-day party for Henry.
I remember being happy with angel food cake and having a few friends over to play.
I sound so stinkin' old.
That looks so fun! Is that in MN?
All those pictures are totally precious!
I love it! What you can't tell from the pics is that I wasn't being completely neurotic with my hand under Baby Grace's head - C was having fun mega-bouncing as he sat and I had visions of Baby Grace flying out of H's arms! The group shot came out really cute!
@Kim - For SURE! Though we went on a Friday am - not sure how weekends work there - they may be booked with *expensive* birthday parties?
@Anti-Supermom - I'm with you -
IF I agreed to do one of these, it'd have to be a weeknight party or a slot where they offered a deal - and then I'd have to make our friends pay a deposit to bring their kids and if they didn't show up I'd keep their cash - and if they did - I'd refund them!
HA! The thing is...our kids LOOOVE having people over to our house - our house isn't big by any stretch of the imagination -but both of our kids love the couple of times a year we have people over for sloppy joes and cake!
I can't imagine breaking that tradition just yet...
@Amanda - yep, they have locations spattered throughout the metro-we were in Burnsville - Friday ams is pre-school pop in playtime - $6.00 a kid - adults FREE! ;)
@Buck - I was getting nervous too! As *careful* as H is with babies...that bouncing was a little too fun...and scary! to not be neurotic!
That looks awesome! I love playdates where everyone has fun. Kids with slides and adults w babies.
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