Not Alone...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today one of the eleventy billion blogs I follow had a post that could have easily been written by me...well, if, that is, I were a great writer and talked a little bit more openly about things...

But I am not. And I don't...
But I thought alot about it today (again)...and went back tonight to read through the comments on said post...
The one thing that I love love love love loooove about the blogging world - in addition to meeting soo many wonderful people who are becoming my friends in real life too - is knowing that I am not alone in my thoughts & my feelings...whether they be thoughts of failing as a mother or friend or thoughts of, well....

Go ahead and read for yourself...

It's nice to know that I am not completely and utterly crazy...even if some people think I am...
And I am not alone...

And now...back to living my the here and the now...
Forget regret ~ or life is yours to miss...


Buck said...

I'm at the beginning of the journey, so in many ways I don't know anything.


I grew up in a house where the feelings were much the same as what you feel, though both my parents felt that way. From the time I was ten (when my sister was born), I remember my parents saying if they won the lottery the first thing they'd do is reverse the V and have a billion more babies (perhaps worded more eloquently). Even after two miscarriages, three kids and a knowledge that at the time, they could barely afford the kids they had, they still had a longing for more. It seems natural. You are definitely NOT alone.

Everyone has different reasons for being "done," but I think the longing is still there in many cases.

Kate @ Ex Libris said...

Ask me again when Em is older :) So excited about your vaca!

ali said...

i'm not sure the longing ever stops. it's such a tough decision to come to & i'm not sure anyone is ever 100% sure about it. as for me...i've got 3 more kid names i refuse to waste. so whether matt's ready or not, we WILL be a family of 7 in the coming years! :)

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