Friday...Still having fun...but still running around WAY more than we ever thought we would...
The whole premise of this trip was that we were in Florida, in the winter - and just happened to be staying on Disney property.
I had visions of lying in the sun, relaxing...and taking in SOME Disney.
Well, when it rains. And rains. And pours. And rains some more...there is only so much you can do in your average sized hotel room with a family of four...
So...Disney it was!
The thing about Disney is, even in the rain - there is LOTS to do!
This day however...DID go exactly how I had thought most of our days would...sleep in, get up, eat a little breakfast, play on the beach, in the pool, relax in the hot tub...and THEN head over to Disney...
It was awesome...(well, until it started downpouring on us...AGAIN)
We made sand castles...

And played with our little duckie friends...

And made sand angels while thinking of those back home making snow angels!

We splashed in the pool -

And played on the pirate ship...

Before heading to Epcot in the afternoon - (a better picture coming soon when my Disney Photo Pass CD arrives...for now - you get the idea)
I think someone, and I'm not naming any names here, would have been more happy to hang out at the hotel and hang out in the pool and hot tub...(and they WERE open 24 hours so we really could have, and maybe should have...)
But, like I said...Disney gives you many many many things to see and do in the rain - like Meet Mickey Mouse!

And Minnie Mouse -

And Donald Duck!

And eat ice cream...
And explore under the sea with Nemo and his friends...
We did wander around Epcot in between downpours...but it wasn't as easy on this particular day. The rain was more downpourish than drizzle like we'd had pretty much all. week. long. I insisted we bring strollers for the first time on this day - because we were all getting tired and I somehow had this vision in my head of wandering around the gorgeous grounds at Epcot pushing the kids in strollers while snapping pics in the different countries...
Um, not-so-much. It didn't just rain, it poured...So parking your stroller outside to do an indoor activity meant you would come out to a soaked stroller - and who wants to sit in an umbrella stroller that can hold your weight in water?
D preferred to PUSH it around himself - and was not very good at steering it (unless you count INTO people) in the rain in the dark...
So...before illumiNations began, we bailed...but that was ok...We did a billion fun things this week. And we were soaking wet! Note to self: ponchos, umbrellas, raincoats...those are all worth having apparently!
At least you didn't get the expected tornado that day right!
Rain at Disney is such a bummer. But I love that ice cream photo. It looks like she is wondering who is going to win, her or the cone.
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