Literally FLEW right by actually...
Saturday found me venturing to downtown St. what has to be one of the coolest, most awesomesauce buildings I've been in in quite some time.
Oh how I would love love love to have an office in THAT space...The ceilings that are open several levels, the hardwood floors, the exposed brickwork...
What a DREAM!
One of the work spaces I saw even had a dog bed, tennis ball and water bowl nearby~
um...bringing your dog to work? ok!
Man, what a difference THAT would be versus sitting in a windowless pocket of a building where I work...And I could have lunch with my hubs who works down the street...
::wakes up::
ok, where were we...ah, yes...beautiful building...
I'd love to show you some pics I took of the spaces...but that would imply that I took some...and I have been sort of a mess lately - and so I didn't...but Heather did. And you should go here and see them...
but then come back ok?
Anyway - over 140 bloggers came together in this fantastic space...donated (for FREE!) for our use by CoCo ~
Organized by VOLUNTEER Coordinators
Arik & Missy -
With the help of Suzi & Katie & Lindsay...
Here's a group shot of many of the 140+
(I have learned my lesson in the group shots...I'm near the back!)

There were soo many wonderful sessions planned...I fretted over how I would decide what to attend...
Not just interesting sessions. Useful sessions. Sessions that an everyday person like myself could put to good, no, GREAT use, even if I don't aspire to be one of *those* big name bloggers...
Sessions on how to turn your blog into a book by the talented Carrie ~
Molly spoke about how to do give aways without giving away your integrity...
And Allison was part of a group talking about generating a few bucks from these here spaces...
There were soo many fantastic sessions - Kate Hopper - someone whom I have admired since I first saw her work (and her classes!) in Cribsheet eons ago...
And the beautiful, talented, and so so honest, Heather King spoke of sharing yourself, your whole self, on line...
If only I could have been everywhere at once...
Alas, I couldn't...
So I spent the majority of my day...
Hanging out here...
An out of the way nook on the 5th level of this most amazing building...
(photo taken by Missy of The Marketing Mama)

Nancy - you know Nancy - THE Nancy of s.w.a.N.k photo - who took this amazing picture of our little girl the other week...
Well, she generously donated her time & talents to take headshots of those who wanted them...
with the donation of $25 going to ...
In a very short while, we were able to bring in $550 for the foundation.
I can't stress it enough - it's the little things that add up to big huge things. Little things like donating a few bucks here and there, (in this case, $25) which then add up to much bigger things - things like grants for 44 (and counting) families assisted by the Liz Logelin Foundation ~
And while I would have loved to attend each and every session and spend hours gabbing with my wonderful and awesome tribe...
A small smattering of said tribe seen here,
(picture again thanks to Missy)
Me, Missy, Jen, Liz and Trish -

I was thrilled to be able to meet some of the conference attendees while helping out a foundation that is so dear to me...
And when the picture taking was done and the conference was nearing the end...
My friend Matt, The President of said foundation, took the microphone as the closing keynote speaker...
It was truly a pleasure to hear Matt speak in this capacity (from the hip I might add!) to the crowd, about, well, if I can quote the title of his session - "How my blog saved my ass" - Even if I WAS crying for a good part of the time! I certainly wasn't the only one...From where I sat, it looked like the entire crowd was moved to tears...
And after speaking for over 45 minutes and taking audience questions...He got a standing ovation - Perhaps everyone was just so thankful he was done talking...but maybe they were giving kudos to a guy who has lost, and gained, so very very much.
And to think it all came about - because of his blog....
You are fabulous! We never expected you to miss the majority of the conference to take pics, but I'm glad there was enough interest to keep you busy. The $ you raised through your time and Nancy's is truly awesome. Thank you for rising to the challenge and being a very special part of the conference.
I am proud to call you my friend.
Darcie, this was one of my favorite recaps I have read. So well said and reflected and shared. Proud, as always, to call you a great friend.
Darcie, it was so wonderful to meet you on Saturday. I'm so looking forward to following your blog (and following you on twitter, too!)
And thank you for your kind words!
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Hi to you all,I just read your project in this blog community, and I like you are contributing with great knowledge!
Gongratulations,stay well
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