Watch me pull a photo of D and I out of my camera (where I'm not holding him down!!)
Doesn't happen very you can see from my Project Me. Project You. photos...
The real magic was Disney Live! Mickey's Magic Show!

We had SUCH a great time last night taking in this show...
All of our favorites were there...though I had a really really hard time getting good shots...(No flash photography allowed....and I'm not so good without the flash!)
Every once in awhile the lighting would be just right so I could grab a shot...
The kids would ask..."How'd they do that?" and far be it from us to tell them!! Since we don't really KNOW exactly how they pulled off a lot of the stuff they did!
Wow! What a show!
(The next 2 photos are courtesy of Feld Entertainment!)

It was an awesome family outing...One we all really enjoyed together...

This was only the second time we've done something like this -

It was an awesome family outing...One we all really enjoyed together...
This was only the second time we've done something like this -
Last December we went to Disney on Ice...and our son quickly reminded us he was a not-quite-three-year-old-boy...This year he was far more mature...Far more into the show...
He sat sooo very good for the entire almost 2 hour performance...
I was so proud of him!!
Not so proud however, that I was willing to buy him concessions...
Aye Aye Aye..
While we LOVE all things Disney and have absolutely loved the two spectacular shows we've been to - I can't help but wonder why they charge so much for their concessions?
Looking back on last year's post I see that the prices are still the same for the light up twirly thing...but come on...$20?
I felt bad, D really really wanted one of those...but I cannot afford to be shelling out $20.00 for a lemonade in a plastic bottle and $20.00 for a light up twirly thingy that is going to get tossed aside a week later...Now, sell me TWO light up twirly things for $20...and you've got me...
My recommendations?
ABSOLUTELY take in a show...then pick up a trinket or two outside of the venue - I can make $40.00 go a long long way even on Disney Merchandise...Just not AT the show...
And speaking of shows...I am going to have a brand new give away coming up soon...And you are NOT going to want to miss this....
Come back soon for your chance to enter to win tickets!!
As a Feld Family Activator, my family was given complimentary tickets to take in the show. Obviously the opinions above are mine and mine alone. I received no compensation for this post.
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