Hard to believe we've been doing this for the last 5 years with kids already...
We don't take the kids to see the Easter Bunny anymore...
We used to...but, well...
They have never really loved it...
But they do love the coloring of the eggs...and I love remembering from year to year...the fun we have with this tradition...
When people tell you it goes fast...oh my how fast it goes...how fast they grow!
Weren't we JUST HERE???
Things started off a little bit on the crackly side...when someone's first egg rolled right out of his hands and onto the floor...OOPS!
But that didn't stop my little egg artists...
They quietly, but excitedly, got to work...
And showed their EGGcitement along the way...
Or, maybe more like concentration...
Happy Easter to you and yours!

What a great resource!
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