Do you ever ask yourself 'How does she do it?'
How does she get it all done, still maintain her sanity, and look good doing it?
I know I find I am constantly asking that question: How do these people do it all?
How does she get it all done, still maintain her sanity, and look good doing it?
I know I find I am constantly asking that question: How do these people do it all?
My to do list has always been long, yet I find it seems to be constantly growing...growing...growing.
Yes, sometimes it keeps me up at night...But I'm not the only one -
Eversave recently surveyed over 700 Moms, and 90% responded that they like awake at night thinking of the things they need to get done. Yep. Sounds about right.

We just had our first ever 'back to school' as parents...and while I thought that having kids in school made things more stream lined & less challenging schedule-wise...I'm finding that couldn't be further from the truth.
Wake Up. Shower. Brush Teeth. Feed the dog. Feed the kids. Take the bus? Drive to school? Daycare drop off. Get to work. Do the work. Feed yourself. Meet the bus? Pick up the kid(s)? Let the dog out. Get the mail. Swimming lessons. Skating lessons. Pack the lunch. Check the back pack. Tubby night. Dinner? What about dinner? Wait, What? School pictures? On Day 5 of school? Ok then...put the picture money with the lunch money with the classroom party money in the take home folder in the backpack by the door.
I Don't Know How She Does It! (Did you know this is the title of a movie coming out this Friday starring Sarah Jessica Parker? I wonder how close to my life this movie will be...I mean, aside from the knock out body and perfect hair and all...)
I know how I do it. Or, should I say, don't do it.
My saving grace...our new found love of the Google Calendar. Yes, yes, I know I'm light years behind everyone else...but we've only recently begun using this gem & wow...does THIS ever make our lives easier!
The Hubs wants to book some out of towngolf scramble work trip & he can quickly log in from any google compatible device and see what else I have previously put on his our agenda.
I need a few hours to myself to get the grays hidden from plain view (& read trashy magazines without anyone needing chocolate milk or me to do this, that, or the other thing.) I consult the google calendar...and then my favorite local salon. I don't get a lot of 'me time' in, but every couple of months, I do try and sneak in a few uninterrupted hours.
So tell me...how do YOU do it?
And how do you get your 'Me Time?' -
Eversave, in support of moms who “do it all,” is sponsoring a special Back-to-Beauty promotion on September 14, featuring spa-centric deals in all of its local markets so moms everywhere can save money and enjoy some much needed “me time”~
Wake Up. Shower. Brush Teeth. Feed the dog. Feed the kids. Take the bus? Drive to school? Daycare drop off. Get to work. Do the work. Feed yourself. Meet the bus? Pick up the kid(s)? Let the dog out. Get the mail. Swimming lessons. Skating lessons. Pack the lunch. Check the back pack. Tubby night. Dinner? What about dinner? Wait, What? School pictures? On Day 5 of school? Ok then...put the picture money with the lunch money with the classroom party money in the take home folder in the backpack by the door.
I Don't Know How She Does It! (Did you know this is the title of a movie coming out this Friday starring Sarah Jessica Parker? I wonder how close to my life this movie will be...I mean, aside from the knock out body and perfect hair and all...)
I know how I do it. Or, should I say, don't do it.
My saving grace...our new found love of the Google Calendar. Yes, yes, I know I'm light years behind everyone else...but we've only recently begun using this gem & wow...does THIS ever make our lives easier!
The Hubs wants to book some out of town
I need a few hours to myself to get the grays hidden from plain view (& read trashy magazines without anyone needing chocolate milk or me to do this, that, or the other thing.) I consult the google calendar...and then my favorite local salon. I don't get a lot of 'me time' in, but every couple of months, I do try and sneak in a few uninterrupted hours.
So tell me...how do YOU do it?
And how do you get your 'Me Time?' -
Eversave, in support of moms who “do it all,” is sponsoring a special Back-to-Beauty promotion on September 14, featuring spa-centric deals in all of its local markets so moms everywhere can save money and enjoy some much needed “me time”~
AND, they are giving one lucky reader of Gust Gab a package of 3 'Saves' so that you and a couple of friends can enjoy some pampering with a mani-pedi package!
Details of the save are as follows:
~ One lucky reader & 2 friends will enjoy time at Colleen and Company (An Aveda Concept Salon & Spa), where you will each get a luxurious spa mani-pedi ($113 value EACH!). The Mani-pedi includes exfoliation, hot towel or paraffin treatment, massage, cuticle care, and polish. Upgrade to French for $15 (mani) or $20 (pedi)! These certificates don't expire until August of 2012 so you have plenty of time to schedule in this 'me time' -
So...Who wants to win this awesome package?
It's all about the comments here folks:
~ Simply leave me a comment telling me: how you do, or don't, do it all!
Details of the save are as follows:
~ One lucky reader & 2 friends will enjoy time at Colleen and Company (An Aveda Concept Salon & Spa), where you will each get a luxurious spa mani-pedi ($113 value EACH!). The Mani-pedi includes exfoliation, hot towel or paraffin treatment, massage, cuticle care, and polish. Upgrade to French for $15 (mani) or $20 (pedi)! These certificates don't expire until August of 2012 so you have plenty of time to schedule in this 'me time' -
So...Who wants to win this awesome package?
It's all about the comments here folks:
~ Simply leave me a comment telling me: how you do, or don't, do it all!
~ What is the best advice you've ever received for balancing a busy schedule?
~ Do you harbor a secret to stress relief?
You may comment as many times as you want ~ as long as the comments are relevant. I don't need any viagra or tips for online poker playing but thanks! I do need tips on how to balance and how to 'do it all' or at least look like I do!
So...what say you readers of the bloggity blog?
One winner will win three SAVES for the mani-pedi deal at Colleen & Company. The winning comment will be chosen via random.org on Thursday 22nd.
*** A huge thank you to Eversave for hosting this Blog Carnival and inviting me to join in, and for providing the SAVES for one lucky reader, as well as one SAVE for myself. ***
Oh honey, I don't do it all and I still die trying.
And me time? I'm not sure I know what that is. The best I get is a few hours at my sewing machine every couple of months, and often that is to make a gift for someone else.
I'm coming back to read the rest of the comments because Lord knows I need the advice as much as you do!
I don't even pretend to do it because if I did, I'd be so crabby. I'm like a toddler and the moment I get overtired I turn ultra-cranky.
The only way for me to get some me time is to plan a daddy-daughter-dog day for the family. They all get to hang out together for a few hours while mommy "has" to stay home alone...
To be honest, I'm still trying to figure it all out!
Taking walks does seem to center me though. In fact, I think I need one now! :)
I really can't do it all either!
I go back and forth - certain days focusing on home, certain days on focusing on the blog, certain days on organizing and whatnot - but it's a never ending battle, and I'm constantly swimming to keep my head afloat!
Amy @ GrinningCheektoCheek.com
Yeah... I don't do it all. =) And with a baby coming soon, I need all the help I can get! Google calendar has helped us - we even got husby a smartphone so he can access emails and the calendar anytime!
Also, we keep a huge calendar in the kitchen with EVERYthing listed on it. No more excuses!
So funny that you brought this up now. I was just at my son's soccer game, apparently I am now the assistant coach, and two parents told me my ears must have been ringing because they were discussing earlier that day how I am super woman...that I do it all. And I am like...oh honey..No I don't. But I do try and do a lot. We also use google calendar as a family plus I have a very large calendar (that is magnetized) on the side of my fridge that I change and update so everyone can see what is going on when.
The large calendar is from EM Tanner Designs. http://www.emtannerdesigns.com/ They have amazing stuff.
One other suggestion is to make sure you take time for yourself and do stuff with your friends! That is very important!
I need to-do lists! (but lists can be daunting and one dimensional) LOVE LOVE LOVE the ColorNote App!! It's an awesome way have a running, portable, interactive to-do list. I make little baby "post it" notes for my smartphone & tablet. (they're brightly colored little notes you can pin to the task bar, set reminders bells, or even "share" to email etc) My favorite part is viewing them in "list form" and getting to CHECKING THEM OFF! satisfaction:)
Can't wait to check out Google calendar!
Thank you Darcie.
jilene www.beputtogether.com
I certainly don't do it all. I have to consciously shift my focus from time to time or things get lost. :-/
Best advice is to let things go...
Stress reliever (when I remember) is to breathe deeply!
As I was posting comments (with 3 separate URLs), I realized that things really can get overwhelmed. I guess it is time for another piece of advice... do one thing at a time. I think that's why the to-do lists are so satisfying.
I feel like I have to do it all as a single mom. Sometimes the pressure is overwhelming. I love my kids so I will keep on keeping on.
For all you moms with younger kids, it gets better. At least I can leave my kids & two can even drive! You are still busy but it is a different kind of busy.
Good Morning! Google Calendar! I must check it out!! I have numerous to do lists (one for my husband as well which he greatly appreciates) Not!! I also have a monthly calendar (paper) that lists each day's activities!!
I think I did it !!
A secret to stress relief... M&M's =)
I do more than I should ( helping my grandma, mom & MIL, volunteering on 3 committees, running 3 kids to 5 differents sports) because I only work (for pay) part time with 2 flexible jobs. I have to count my volunteer work as me time so that I can justify it & not feel overwhelmed.
I grabbed another piece of me time by putting in a few extra hours during the week so I can leave early today and either have some lunch, see a movie or just read at home. I can't say that the extra time made a difference during the week, but I really appreciate it now.
my biggest advice is not being too locked into what I HAVE to get done. Sometimes things don't get done and my worth can't be based on it. I'd rather be a mom to my son than have a sparkling clean house. Because I certainly can't do it all.
Oh and I read over lunch at work for a little "me" time each day, even if it is only 20 minutes sometimes.
Also I have to remember that no one else is really "doing it all" either. So I don't set anyone up on a specific mom pedestal.
Doing it all is a fantasy, that's what I have decided. I make lists, that is the best way I can stay accountable to myself and get done what I can get done.
But I also have worked hard this summer to make sure that if things don't get done, I don't freak out and just roll with it.
For me time...I make sure I read at least 30 minutes a day if I can (some days less) and have found it makes me more focused. I also take the time like right this second, where everyone is asleep (even the baby) and just sit and catch up on my friends while watching tv that doesn't require focus (today it seems that 90210 is doing the trick!).
Does rarely sleeping count?
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