Now, I anxiously await our first Holiday card in the mail...and all of the ones that follow in the coming weeks.
One of my absolute favorite things about this time of year is the MAIL! (Not the bills of course...)
So many different designs...Can you believe, that every year, even in the midst of over 100 cards from friends and family ~ we've never ever gotten the same design twice in the same year?
I know I have the HARDEST time choosing...and often find myself picking from 2 or 3 designs and ordering some of each...
Some of my favorite designs this year from Tiny Prints Christmas Card Collection are
Somewhere along the way I find myself turning towards the non-traditional cards -
though there are so many beautiful cards to choose from in more religious styles...
Oh how I love to check the mailbox every day, in anticipation of Holiday Cards arriving. We tape them all up on a wall in between our kitchen and living room as soon as they arrive and leave them up long after Christmas is declared over. I used to put them all in a basket on the table but I didn't think it gave them fair exposure.
How do you display your Christmas cards?
Do you fall in the stamped & ready to be mailed camp ~
or, the not even taken the photos and ordered yet?
If you find yourself in the latter camp...Swing over to Tiny Prints and see what they have to offer this year ~ I found myself marking favorites on the very first page!
Good Luck...I can't wait to see your Holiday card!

*** The words and opinions on this page are my own. I love love love holiday cards and I love the designs made available at - for sharing my thoughts with you all here, I will be given some complimentary cards from TinyPrints. ***
I tape our cards on the bifold doors to our living room closet.
My cards are designed. I just need to locate my address spreadsheet to know how many to order. And then wait till the kids' birthday is over to mail them so the ages on the card will be right. ;)
I taped a wide ribbon on the front of two cabinets (wrapped the ribbon so the tape was on the inside of the cabinet.) I bought some small clothespins (which I painted in festive colors) so I will pin the photos to the ribbon when I receive them. I stole the idea from Pinterest...but I am really looking forward to see if this works for me this year. :)
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