Easter Morning ~

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter isn't a big deal in our house - one, maybe two, of the kids in this house know that there is no such thing as an Easter Bunny - but we just love to take part in the hype and the celebration...and play along a little bit.

We don't need any more 'stuff' - as we're trying to simplify our lives (and save for that next Disney trip!)

So, I had to spread out all of the Easter Bunny treasure so it looked like more than it actually was -

New Swim Goggles (which we desperately needed) baseballs, and a new movie.
Assorted random candy treats (which he could really care less about.)

And on her side? The much needed swim goggles, a movie, and candy. She LOVES candy.

I love the Easter Bedhead. 
It's pretty much a tradition around here - but for some reason, especially on Easter!

Plastic Eggs filled with pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters! (and a few chocolate pieces too)

He spotted the baseballs!

A quarter in the EGG~! Yay!

I hope your Easter was worth rolling out of bed early for. That it was treasure filled and happy, as ours was.

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