Fall is upon us so I'm reflecting fondly on summer...
(also, I'm very, very behind in documenting life!)
Before summer got away from us, we carved out some time to visit friends in the heart of Lake Country.
You may remember when we did this last summer ~
Four families - Friends forever.
Lots of kids.
Two more kids than last year, mind you!
As per usual, the kids picked right up where they left off...
Clamoring to ride the tube...
Bless his heart, K totes these kids, big and little, all over the lake...
fast and slow, slow and fast - depending on who is riding.
The smaller ones hang out closer to shore...
inspecting clam shells...
Wondering how to make things go to play like the bigger kids do ~
A glimpse into our teenage future?
Lord, I hope not!
Our boy, reunited with the girl who became enamored with him last summer...
And then there's me and my very own Danny ~
13 and a half years later...
Still having fun after all these years...
What these pictures don't show - is that just minutes before this,
Rob dumped us both off that jet ski and into the lake!
oh how we laughed and laughed...
A couple needs that you know...
Some kid free time, alone, in the middle of the lake -
gasping for air as you figure out how you are going to get your older than it used to be body back up on the jet ski in 50 feet of water ~
It brings you closer, back to before...
before the business of the busyness of life got in the way.
Simple times.
The boys, just a few months apart in age - hold deep conversations...
I wonder what kinds of conversations are taking place on that dock,
at sunset, with no parents within ear shot?
Father Daughter Bonding Time ~
oh what I wouldn't give for this to be a regular thing, lake bonding time...
for all of us...
Twenty years ago - when all of us Mamas met...
The chaos of a get together might have looked like this picture below, and possibly included beer bottles and yes, true, maybe random items of clothing!
These days, the during and aftermath looks like this, and this, makes my heart happy!
And this year's version of the kids via group picture...
Will there be more kids in this photo next year?? Time will tell...
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