I don't particularly love the rabbits around here these parts...
They chomp on my lilies and my hostas and my hydrangeas and well...
just about everything...
But when you find a guy this super little and tiny - all cuddled up against your house on your front sidewalk, in the rain...not going anywhere for hours...
What can you do?
Well, you put him in a small box with a dishtowel...
and do your best to keep him warm.
Well, because this.
This is why.
Of course the kids wanted to keep him.
Of course we said no.
No. No. NO!
But we did put the box outside almost right away, so he would be where he was, in case his mama came back for him. The internet tells me that baby rabbits with their eyes open will be just fine.
And I also read that the Mamas don't much come around until dark...
Sure enough...
He was like this for hours...
even burrowing further under and snuggling by himself to stay warm...
And then...come dark...
he was gone.
I haven't seen the Mama in a long time, word on the street says some crows were harassing her in our yard one day while we were at work. I have however, seen this baby guy, again, curled up near our home - hiding behind our deck box on occassion.
I don't know.
Perhaps he'd of been fine without our help.
Perhaps I will regret this when my garden is chewed to shreds...
But the looks on the kiddos faces when they get this close to teeny tiny nature....
Well, that's worth the trouble and the shredded plants, no?
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