It's more a right of passage than anything, school photos each fall, & spring, for that matter -
since our school does both -
but we don't go all out because I take hundreds of thousands of photos each year.
I know for many families, this is all they get...
So it's a darn good thing that they do such a great job!
Even though I got the $8.00 package, I'm still thrilled with the outcome!
It's especially hard for me, not actually BEING there,
to make sure their hair is combed or maybe their top buttons aren't done up too tight.
to make sure their hair is combed or maybe their top buttons aren't done up too tight.
This year, I was especially concerned about getting THIS photo via text,
one minute before school started...
one minute before school started...
With our son wearing what appeared to be a very tight, very small shirt,
that was NOT what we had talked about just hours before.
that was NOT what we had talked about just hours before.
You see, I headed into the office at the butt crack of dawn,
leaving the kids to mostly fend for themselves, with Dad of course!
Dad didn't know that D and I had discussed a DIFFERENT shirt the night before,
and so........
leaving the kids to mostly fend for themselves, with Dad of course!
Dad didn't know that D and I had discussed a DIFFERENT shirt the night before,
and so........
Thankfully, Lifetouch was able to work some magic,
and while the shirt WAS too small, it wasn't obnoxiously too small,
as I had thought based on the text photo!
and while the shirt WAS too small, it wasn't obnoxiously too small,
as I had thought based on the text photo!
School Pictures 2013
School Pictures 2012
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