Got stock in Pampers? Well, I hope you are prepared for your stock to take a dip...The little Miss has been wearing her adorable little panties to daycare this week and has maintained her status as being accident free and potty trained! Can I get a WOOT WOOT here?? Hip Hip Hurray! The little turkey has been playing this game for months - choosing to go only when it's convenient for her. Finally, she's decided she is tired of the diapers too! I know what some of you might be thinking...it must be the dollar bill bribery we had going on...um, no. After day #3 with the dollars, she held on to a dollar for a few minutes, looked at it, then proceeded to hand it back to me saying - "Save this for later." The kid just can't be bribed! Well, she can...but a person has to change it up...
One day it's a quarter, the next day a dollar. Then stickers are the key, a temporary tattoo here and there, throw in some chocolate, some licorice or some ice cream. Remind her of the pink camera she gets to have of her very very own when she gives up the diapers or perhaps a trip to the beach. This week we're using a trip to the zoo and everyone's favorite...dolphin show...Whatever it is, I guess it boils down to the fact that it was up to her to be ready - and it appears she is. Daddy and I couldn't be more proud!
Sorry for those of you with stock in Pampers...Don't worry - we still have one wearing them...(and if I had my way - there's be a set of twins that belong to us wearing them too...) I think the little man will take a little longer to potty train - though he LOVES to race his big sister to the bathroom and plop down on the potty chair (she uses the toilet exclusively) or try and beat her to the actual toilet and sit on it...I don't think he knows WHY he's sitting on there - as when I do attempt to take his diaper off and have him give it a go he gets a little irritated with me. It's just sort of our children's twisted game of musical chairs I guess!
Congrats on the lack of pampers. What a great girl!
Say - send me an email - ryryrox at mchsi dot com.
w00t w00t & congratu-freakin-lations!!!
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