I'm pleasantly surprised all the same at how things are coming along this year!
I'll be REALLY excited to clean out this hodge podge & transplant some of this stuff ~ some of it's drowning each other out - that's no good!

Plus - I am trying to turn some of our grass into a perenniel garden - and I've got a long ways to go!

The clematis is going crazy -

The lilies are my favs...

And the coneflowers are just now in bloom - I got some really cool new cone flowers this year - I do hope they spread like crazy like these ones have!!

My Hydrangea came back after being planted and transplanted twice last year!
Now I have to decide where to move this pink one...

Some of my Stargazers...Can't WAIT for these to bloom ~ I went a little nutty and bought 50 bulbs this year from Michigan Bulb - they made me an offer I couldn't refuse...and I'm sure glad too because of the 50 bulbs I planted...only 29 grew...I'm hoping they grow and multiply like they claim to!

Remember that plain old looking dirt that I showed you awhile back?
Yep - this is it!! Coming along pretty nicely - gladiolas, star gazers, day lilies, cone flowers and who knows what else!

Along side our shed has become a real garden of sorts too!
Remember when I was just hoping one or two sunflowers would sprout up here??
Now I've got overgrown Rhubarb & quite a few sunflowers to boot!

Notice the little tall gangly thing in FRONT of the Rhubarb & Sunflowers??

For just the second time in the eight years we've lived here - the Yucca plant is blooming! Must be since we moved it from near the deck to near the shed. Our soil is pretty much ALL CLAY ~ making it really hard to have a green thumb in this yard - but...the yucca doesn't seem to care!

And these - well, these will be the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! We planted some seeds indoors and the kids and I had a ton of fun watching them grow - when we transplanted them outside I wasn't sure what would happen - and I'm excited to say...I think we'll get a couple of punkins this year!

But do you notice that hole to the middle right of this picture? In the dirt??? Pretty sure that's where the snakes go - I thought they were gone for the season but just last week we had two more cross our paths - one mommy one that didn't get along with our lawn mower and one baby that slithered across the pavers in front of the shed...
YUCK! I hope they aren't tangled in my punkins when it comes time to thin the things out! Or we won't be having punkins after all!

Wow - lots and lots of flowers - I'm very impressed!
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