We did what seemed less stress, less hassle, less pocketbook heavy...
I wasn't so sure about how things were starting out - The truck was loaded top to bottom with 'stuff' - amazing how much stuff two small people and their mom need for a few days away from home...while setting up the DVD player I realized only one side worked...that could be a problem...so in the five minutes I was fidgeting with it, the truck battery died.
Holy Hell - it's been, oh, maybe a dozen or so years since I've had to jump start a car...
I peeked around the neighborhood and no one was around at that time of day...So after talking to the hubs on the phone - I went for it myself - made the kids hide in the house, fired up the Mustang and viola...Started up the truck! Just like riding a bike!
I was leary to leave town but figured what the heck - I was all packed up already anyway - (turns out I DID need a new battery - the auto shop guys told me a week later they couldn't believe I drive that truck every day on the original battery (7 years) and it's been starting! oops!)
Anyhoo - back to my post - in pictures...
I let the kids pick out their own snacks at the C-Stop in Pelican ~
D had to have the 'baseball treat' ~ what little boy doesn't love himself some 'big league chew' - but come on! The first time we get it and Daddy isn't with us? That was sort of a bummer - but I sent dad a pic from the road -
We arrived at the lake and at our friends cabin where we always feel welcome...and we promptly made ourselves at home...with our 200 bags in their dining room! I packed so that I only had to bring one in from the car but you know - somehow I overtook their entire home...typical us I guess!
We were lucky enough to have another friend meet us with her two little ones...
Jill wasn't two feet in the door when my baby hugging/hogging competitor got right in there to begin her work...
Even D got in on the baby action...
And then we went outside where even though it was overcast and cloudy - we still had fun -
There was hide and seek...

And climbing on giant fake rocks...

Jill and her two beautiful daughters - She is in the same spot we were two years ago - with Soph being 18 months and lil Josie being just 11 weeks old...
I wouldn't change a thing about the way we did that - but it's amazing to see my friend in the same situation - I don't EVER remember H being as young as Soph is now as a big sister!

But what an ADORABLE big sister she is!

Sophie ~

Kit taught H some words in Spanish...I know what you are thinking - they were all clean and appropriate for our 3 year old! At least I think they were!

Sophie plotting her toy dropping escapade...
Kit and H made friendship bracelets...And since we left there ~ H talks about 'Kitty Kat,' how she has to call her on the cell phone, how she is HER best friend, etc etc...
Sophie plotting her toy dropping escapade...
But no fear - D to the rescue - What you don't see - is 10 seconds after I snapped this shot - I was off the dock (in jeans!) and into the water to retrieve our son...who was bobbing into deeper waters...
of course, he's been known to do that a time or two - so I was ready - almost...
It was soo fun to see the kids playing together - after all, their moms used to play together back in their glory days too!
Kit and H made friendship bracelets...And since we left there ~ H talks about 'Kitty Kat,' how she has to call her on the cell phone, how she is HER best friend, etc etc...
Too bad Kit's going back to Ecuador for another year! BOO!
Grandma Bobby cuddling with Josie - It's still weird to me that Bobby IS a Grandma...
And her hubby - our other host of the weekend is Virg - the one who took D for his first Harley ride -
We were able to eat at Zorbaz...oh how I missed Zorbas...I can say with certainty it will NOT be another five years until I eat there again!
And on the way back to the cabin - we stopped a good old fashioned playground next to the highway...
Including a REAL Merry-Go-Round.
And D loved Grandpa Virg whom he has finally stopped calling 'that guy' and now EVERY time we see a motorcycle - he yells out - 'HARLEY!'
It used to just be 'motorcycle!'
And this is what happened when D found out he had to share!
And it's how I felt when we had to leave lake country and head back to the Metro...Where we sat at a complete standstill for an hour in traffic just trying to get BACK into the Metro...

Thanks for letting us crash your pad - it was sooo awesome to see everyone!
We love and miss you to pieces!
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