Though I looked at the 'fine print' of the contest rules and it said 45% popular vote, 55% judges panel - whatever THAT means!
I know what it means - I'm kidding...mostly - thought it would have been fun to be even a runner up for the notoriety!

I will say, that little cutie that took first place is ADORABLE - That was the #1 pic on the first page so it was a little hard to get past that to page 3 to find OUR adorable little guy -
To see the list of winners - click here -
Anyway - I wanted to say thank you for casting your votes for our almost 3 year old...
Now, go enjoy the holidays! If you are traveling somewhere, please check the weather first...sounds like we are going to get quite a wallop here in Minnesota...which I'm excited about since we get to stay home and entertain this year!
YAY for fresh snow on Christmas!
H has been asking me to 'email Grandma Gladys and invite her to our Christmas party' - could that BE any cuter? An email? I told her that she's been invited already (via multiple phone calls mind you!), but that she couldn't come this year - to which she then asked me 'maybe if you text her?' -
on one hand I find it hilarious - the emails and the texting thing, I mean, she JUST turned four - but on the other hand it makes me sad that we can't all be together for Christmas. We had hoped we could all converge at our place this year but it wasn't meant to be...and bless her heart Grandma Gladys was going to try and take the Amtrak or the Greyhound and get here on her own - but I do not want her traveling alone, seeing as how she took a bad spill last month on a day trip with her brother and sister-in-law. I hate to think of what can happen if she's traveling alone.
We'll shoot her a text or an email and have our own 'Christmas Party' later - and it will be fun then too! Just you wait H - you wait and see!
Happy Holidays everyone! Be safe!
And now, for your viewing pleasure...Some pictures of our kids enjoying a kickin' snow fall LAST season!
Well I voted for ya! Sorry it wasnt chosen as #1, but man, he is so cute your a winner everyday!!!
gorgeous pics... just wanted to say thanks for your sweet comment. i really appreciated it.
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