Weekends are just sooo short, and so full, that driving 4.5+ hours, one way, just isn't feasible for us right now...
But, the kiddos and I DID have a chance to sneak a way for a few days, sadly, without Daddy - he was stuck working...
The kids got fishing rods for Christmas TWO YEARS ago - I have both loved and hated those things...getting tangled up all.the.time because well, they really aren't made for tiny suburban living rooms...
Imagine our delight, when within minutes, maybe SECONDS! of dropping the lines in the water -
We had a bite!

Perch & Sunfish! YAY!

This kid was on cloud nine!

We even caught a few of THESE fancy little guys!
Who knew that a little old Minnesota lake held such pretty little creatures?

A little squeamish at first...big sister even got in on the action with the Barbie Fishin' Pole!

Time and time again...
Catch and Release...
Catch and Release...

I could listen to these two converse all day long...
lots of fishin' stories to be told!

We used Minnows for bait mostly...

And my boy kept calling them 'Minnie-O's' -
Ahhhh, was that ADORABLE!
I know I should correct him but it's so cute and sweet and innocent...
Soon enough he won't be saying Minnie-O...
For now...with his little Boston Accent - who knows WHERE he picked THAT up from...
Minnie-O it is!
At one point - he caught a one clawed crayfish!
It was pretty comical...That thing was MAD as all get out - and we didn't keep him long - we figured the chips were already stacked against this guy - what, with only having one claw and all...So we let him eat our Minnie-O and go about his merry way!

Yes, this is what summer should be all about...
Staying up late, waking up late...(or early if you are my kid!)
Fishing in the sun...
enjoying the breeze off the water...
How do we make this happen more often???

Ok you must tell me if you are just kidding with that crablike creature or does it really exist? Great pictures.
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