Breathe of Fresh Air -

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I talk often about how great our neighbors are...

such wonderful friends we have made here in the hood...

What I don't mention, is something that has absolutely stolen my heart...

The neighborhood kids...
This one in particular has had a lot going on lately... one morning, we were heading out to Valley we invited her along.

From the minute we stepped out of the car...She was impressing us.

(Yeah, so the Droid X isn't too great for photos...)

The kids adore her, and she them.

Before we went, I told her...

'our kids hang out in the Planet Snoopy you might be bored, but you are welcome to come along.'

~ to which she replied...

'I would love to go on rides with them! I'll do it!'

And do it she did...

They laughed and they laughed...
They smiled...
They had a GREAT time. an added bonus...
Turns out little K isn't so little after all -

And she was able (& more importantly, willing!) to go on the big kid rides with our biggest kid!

(For some reason - in my old age - I cannot do these thrill rides anymore - I used to love them - now, simple swinging turns my stomach and I feel like tossing my cookies!)

Rob and Katie getting ready to ride Steel Venom - No. Thank. You!

No. Way.

They had a great time - and the hubs was even a little shook up after that one!


Yep...this neighborhood...

It's a buyer's market, interest rates are at an all time low...

But there are things far far far more important than closet space and a 2nd working shower.

Now, if we could just get ourselves added into her extra curricular activity schedule - we'd have ourselves one hellava babysitter!


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