I take pictures close to daily, if not daily...
I blog my favorites, & I turn those blog posts into a book at the end of each year...
Others I print and frame...
And I just recently got my first photo on canvas ~
You guys...it turned out sooo beautifully!
That's why, when I was approached by a company who deals with pictures and canvas prints and acrylics (OH MY!) ~ about giving them a shot and making a creation, I instantly said yes!!
Have you all heard of PRINTCOPIA?
Oh my WORD! How will I choose what we are going to put on our newest canvas? A pic of the kids? A family pic?
Maybe I should order TWO canvas prints? One canvas for each kiddo?
Want to know what's even tougher than me deciding what to put on my own canvas print? How about YOU choosing your own photo for a Printcopia canvas print?
That's right! The fine folks at Printcopia are giving one lucky reader of Gust Gab their very own 11 x 14 Canvas Print! YAY!
And you guys? I played around on their website...not only can you upload a photo, you can pull a picture from your Facebook photos, or, you can pull in your favorite photo from Instagram and viola!
Turn it into a canvas print!
Or, if you so desire, you can do an Acrylic Print!
Or a framed print, or...So many options available!!
You know you want to!
So, how do you enter to win an 11 x 14 canvas?
Just pick any or all of the following rafflecopter entries below - and viola!
Stay tuned to find out if you are the lucky winner, which will be announced on Thursday, October 25th, 2012.
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway Pin It

This varies soooo much and depends on the month. If there is any trip (even a weekend or overnight) I would say 100 pics a month. If there is a two week vacation to colorado....650! :) In general I would love to capture a few more of the everyday things we do and the moments that are so simple and calm that I don't even think of the camera!
I likely take 300-500 pictures a month. I have to say, blogging does help me to keep the camera ready!
I don't see any rafflecopter entries? But based on the other people's comments, I'd say I easily take 75-100 pics a month -
This site looks cool, especially because of the instagram feed option!
Depends on the month, but anywhere from 50-100 pics a month. I'm not as good about printing them!
I don't usually take many pics...maybe 10 a month
Around 100, I have a baby boy who us almost one and I don't want to miss a thing!
rebatink at gmail dot com
less than I'd like. Maybe 50-75
I probably average 1,000-2,000 in the months where I can take photos outside. The winter months I probably only take 500. I have a bogged down/overflowing laptop to prove it! :)
I should take more than 100 pictures, but I probably only take 20 or so.
On my phone about 50 on my camera about 100 I'd kill myself if I had to edit to many a month!
I take hundreds of pix of my daughter!!! So fun!
Around 500 a month!
Alholm.co at gmail dot com
About 100 pictures a month
brelstanc at yahoo dot com
About 30 a month but I wish I would remember to take more.
Oh my. I take at least 100 a month! :) Thanks for the giveaway!
trinkets by dana at gmail
For me it depends on how busy we are. If I'm just sitting around the house a lot that month then maybe 15. If we have weddings, birthday parties and other get togethers then probably 100-200.
littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
I take close to 100 pictures a month.
I don't take many pictures a month so maybe 10?
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I just took all the photos from my camera from the last month to save on disk...it was 500 (and some change - can't remember exactly). I love to take photos!
It so depends on what's going on. We only have one child, but I take photos of EVERYTHING when I'm using my camera. It has slowed down recently, but I'd say anywhere from 50- up to 400 in one month. I'm so bad about printing them out or even framing them. I wish I was better at that than taking photos.
Probably at least 100. We have a very photogenic 8 month old:)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would say in a month I take at least 100 pictures. It could be more. Sometimes less but I take a lot.
Tabatha Carlson
I take hundreds of pictures a month! (Okay, if I was honest it's more like hundreds a week! I spend my days with my 1 year old Granddaughter!! I must photograph everyTHING!!!!)
I'm a photographer... so I take at least 1,000 a month but I'm assuming that's not normal... lol
Like 100!
Now that the baby has gotten older I have toned down. I'm at @100 a month.
Depends on the month lol a boring month like I dunno August, maybe only 25 but around Christmas and birthday times close to 100 :) if not more!
depends on the month....20, but during a holiday/special occasion 100
I take about 200 pictures a month. Sometimes more!
I'm roughly estimating 10 photos a day times 30 days! Give or take 300! Oh my!
an average month maybe around 50?
daniellex at gmail dot com
I love taking pictures as much as I can, usually 30-45 pictures a month
Thanks for the great giveaway
Fiona N
We take about 200 pictures a month.
I would guess 500? It really depends on the month though, sometimes way more!
oh my gosh... between family outings, model shoots, just going to the park to play.. I would guess well over 1000 pictures a month. What can I say :) I LOVE having pictures of my daughter and family.
Probably around 100.
about 50-75!
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