I had the honor and the priveledge of volunteering on the events committee for the first ever Liz Logelin Foundation Gala...and oh what a night it was!

It was hard to know where to begin - there were so many fabulous donations!

But in time, things got sorted and organized and ready for bids!

And things came together beautifully ~

Alyssa from Creative Cakes by Alyssa generously donated her time and her talent to make these fantastic masterpieces...people raved about them all night long - She's local - if you need a cake or cupcakes for an occassion - look her up!

Me and Jackie! She is soo amazing folks - really - Anyone want to join me on a trip to visit her??

It was hard to know where to begin - there were so many fabulous donations!

But in time, things got sorted and organized and ready for bids!

And things came together beautifully ~
And speaking of beautiful...Have you ever seen something so beautiful?
This is the time I wish that you could SMELL through the computer!

Alyssa from Creative Cakes by Alyssa generously donated her time and her talent to make these fantastic masterpieces...people raved about them all night long - She's local - if you need a cake or cupcakes for an occassion - look her up!

The hubs and I - sans children - a very rare occurance...althought it's happened twice in the past two months!

Me and Jackie! She is soo amazing folks - really - Anyone want to join me on a trip to visit her??
She stood up and spoke at the Gala, shared her story...I cannot say enough about this woman, whom I am proud to call my friend.
And speaking of internet friends...I finally got to meet Missy (and her husband) in real life! Missy blogs here - and has some pretty awesome ideas! And in fact, she had a pretty awesome recap on the Gala you can read here....
Laurie and Bob on what I know is a night out for them as well - four kiddos at home!

Yep - it was a wildly successful night - especially considering it was the very first year for a Gala - A lot of money was raised for this amazing foundation...and things can only go up from here right?
Thank you so much for your support - It means a lot to me to have so many of my friends supporting this cause...
Hey - great to see your pics! You guys worked so hard on this event - congrats (again) on a job well done. It was excellent!
Thanks for the shout out, it was wonderful to meet you and your hubs, too!
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