As you know - we kicked it off last Wednesday ~
Are you playing along? You do remember that by simply committing to brush your teeth & saying it out loud on the will be entered to win one of two sets of FOUR Twins Tickets to see them playing at the gorgeous new Target Field!???!
Certainly one of the hottest tickets in town!
It doesn't get much easier than this folks!
To join me in this challenge:
1) Brush your teeth twice a day, for two minutes, for two weeks.
2) Leave a comment here telling me that you are up for the challenge!
3) Share how its going with YOUR network. To qualify for an entry, post an update to your Facebook status (tagging MetroDentalCare), or write on their wall, tweet about it (using hashtag #twiceaday) or if you have your own blog, share a post (and link to MetroDentalCare).
The more you post, tweet and tag Metro Dental Care on Facebook, the more chances you have to win...
That's it! Easy peasy right?
Soooooooo ~ how's it going at OUR house?
Pretty well - thanks to the awesome timers the kids got from Metro Dental Care. Seriously. They LOVE the timers. If you are having trouble getting your kids to brush - get a cute little sand timer like we are using...
No more 20 second we're outta here brushing...

Though the 6:15 am brushing before we head out to daycare & work 4 mornings a week is a bit sketchy...they happily brush their teeth twice in the evenings...Does that count?
And as for my own added twist...the flossing challenge...
Why is it sooooooooooo hard?
It's not too late...Go ahead...pick up that toothbrush!
Yeah I am truly shocked by the power of the sand timer! Whodathunk?!
What a great idea.. and cute timer! :)
steve s.
I'm game
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