Two Kisses for Maddy -

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two years ago this month - The Liz Logelin Foundation was officially born -

A lot has happened in those two (+) years...incredible friendships have formed, fundraising has taken place by way of some pretty awesome parties and 5k walk/runs...and most importantly - thanks to donations made by you, almost 70 families (and counting!) also dealing with a tragic loss have had a teeny tiny part of their burden lifted by way of financial grants to be used any way they see fit...

And now...on the horizon is an official book that Matt has written! If you love his blog (or even if you don't!) you are sure to love this book - and for those of you who don't like to read, there will be an audio version released as by none other than Mr. Logelin himself!

Book Description as taken from AMAZON:
Matt and Liz Logelin were high school sweethearts. After years of long-distance dating, the pair finally settled together in Los Angeles, and they had it all: a perfect marriage, a gorgeous new home, and a baby girl on the way. Liz's pregnancy was rocky, but they welcomed Madeline, beautiful and healthy, into the world on March 24, 2008. Just twenty-seven hours later, Liz suffered a pulmonary embolism and died instantly, without ever holding the daughter whose arrival she had so eagerly awaited. Though confronted with devastating grief and the responsibilities of a new and single father, Matt did not surrender to devastation; he chose to keep moving forward-- to make a life for Maddy. In this memoir, Matt shares bittersweet and often humorous anecdotes of his courtship and marriage to Liz; of relying on his newborn daughter for the support that she unknowingly provided; and of the extraordinary online community of strangers who have become his friends. In honoring Liz's legacy, heartache has become solace. This intimate retelling of one year marked by tremendous highs and lows offers something to any reader who has experienced grief and has sought the courage to live again.

I haven't read it yet, but I cannot wait to read it in April -
Also in April...


(You'll need to click on the image below to enlarge)

Thursday, April 28th 7:30 pm - Matt will be doing some reading from his book Two Kisses for Maddy - at the Magers & Quinn bookstore in (Uptown) Minneapolis ~ and signing your copy of his book!

Who's joining me?
(and seeing as how it's a Thursday...Who's going to watch my kids?)

Congratulations Matt - You've come a long long way & I am oh so very proud of you...and the two beautiful ladies that stand by your side ~
Who would have thought!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this to come out! I have mine pre-ordered and just sitting and waiting!

I am hoping to get to the signing, but like you...who will watch my kid!

Anonymous said...

I also have mine pre-ordered. I can't imagine what a zoo this reading will be... but worth it. I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

This is a great site and contains fantastic contents. Thanks for sharing this to us.

Proud to be a Single Dad

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