Remember a few weeks back, when the fine folks at VTech provided my family with one of their innovative new InnoTab 3S tablets to test out?
Well, we've had a chance to delve into the tablet a bit further, and both kids are loving it.
The ages on the tablet say 3-9, so when we first got this, I was worried it would be a bit on the 'early learner' side of things for our two kids.
Probably because of how the tablet looks...Durable, rugged, kid friendly.
Turns out, I was wrong, it's not childish, it's simply child-friendly!
With tons of apps to choose from, such as Math Oven, World of Science, and Flash Card Creator, we are finding this tablet has a world of education, right at the kids' fingertips.
We bought small tablets for our kids last year, before taking a family vacation, but I am finding that the InnoTab 3S provides a safer search. I no longer have to worry about what the kids have stumbled upon, via pop up ads and 'click to continue' boxes. They aren't constantly saying, in that 'uh oh, what just happened voice...'
The other thing I'm loving about the InnoTab 3S Tablet?
VTech Kid Connect which is a unique, ground-breaking family communication app for the InnoTab 3S that brings families together and helps parents stay connected to their kids when apart – anytime, anywhere!
· With secure and easy-to-use tablet-to-mobile communication, parents and children can exchange voice and text messages, pictures, drawings and stickers in real time!
I sent the kids a picture of myself waving, and I drew the word 'Hi' with a heart next to it. A little later, my phone made a little ping sound, and when I looked, there was the Kid Connect App ready for me, with a note saying 'I love you' with an emoticon and some hearts!
We messaged back and forth for quite awhile, as the kids were LOVING it!
· Kids can send messages to their parents’ smartphones and tablets, all from the kid-safe, kid-friendly InnoTab 3S.
· Plus, kids can stay connected to their friends and siblings by exchanging messages safely between two InnoTab 3S tablets anywhere in the world (with Wi-Fi), regardless of how far apart they are.
To connect with your child’s InnoTab 3S, simply visit the Apple App Store or Google Play from your smartphone or tablet & download the free VTech Kid Connect app. The InnoTab 3S comes with a one year subscription of Basic Kid Connect, which allows kids and parents to send text messages and stickers. The Premium Kid Connect app offers enhanced features that allow kids and parents to send not only text messages and stickers, but voice messages, photos and drawings to each other.
For the first two weeks after registration of the InnoTab 3S, a Deluxe Apps package with Premium Kid Connect is available for $14.99. The package also includes Movie Maker (a $7.99 value), a fun and exciting stop-motion animation app that lets kids become movie directors. Once the two week promotional period is over, Premium Kid Connect can be purchased separately for $14.99.
Kid Connect is ONLY available on the InnoTab 3S!
· Kid Connect helps alleviate anxiety by keeping parents connected to their children when apart – anytime, anywhere – whether they are at daycare, a neighbor’s house or maybe out of town visiting Grandparents?
Our 8 year old recently had her first overnight sleepover, without either parent or her brother. We dropped her off at 5 pm, and she didn't return home until 10 am the next day. Of course I knew she was fine and I could have texted or called the family she was staying with at any time, but wouldn't it have been great to check in with my kid via the InnoTab 3S?
Now that ours is up and running...we'll be doing that next time!
And now, how would you like the chance to win one of these tablets, just in time for Christmas? This one is going to have a quick turn around folks, so toss your name in the Rafflecopter Hat below and let's get going!
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
To learn more about VTech visit the links below:
- VTech website –
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we love our leappad right now for E
Sami plays on the Kindle in Kindle Free Time. She likes the Peekaboo barn app and any of her "Melmo" apps. This looks like something she would love
I do but I usually just get interactive kids books that I find fo free on the ipad.
Gotta stay true to the sesame street apps :-)
They just use the sites we find on the internet that are kid-friendly.
My kids don't have a tablet so no apps but I know they would love it if they could!
sesamee street for now
We are really in need of a tablet for our upcoming plane ride for the holidays. I'm very nervous for his first ride as a more active toddler, rather than a baby I can hold and entertain.
My son enjoys the Brain Pop app.
We love the monkey lunchbox
My kids like The Tribez app and My Talking Tom app. Thanks.
My kids don't currently use technology for learning, but I sure would love for them to start! :)
We have Monkey Lunchbox too! :) I would love something more educational than silly mindless games my older two learn about at school then want to come home and play on our desktop.
Julia loves the Toca Boca apps. Not sure they're all that educational though. :)
My kids don't have a tablet yet. The only time they play with anything is with my Iphone.
Mason uses ABC Mouse on our computers (just started) but other than that hasn't gotten into any aps. Part of that is because I've made a huge effort to keep my phone as my own toy LOL
Unfortunately my nieces and nephew haven't been taught much about tech devices yet. That's why I think the Innotab 3s and the Kid Connect App would be a great resource for me to help them learn to communicate electronically!
my kids favorite app to play is the angry birds app!
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