If you know us, you know we've stayed in our house about 9 years longer than planned,
when we first moved in.
3-5 years, then we take the equity and move on up...
or so we thought!
Here we are, in year 13.
This last year has had us looking harder, longer, more closely, at new homes for our family.
In preparation for that, we are doing things we haven't paid much mind to -
you know, like having our furnace serviced in the fall...
Fall came and went, and before we knew it, winter had arrived.
There's no time like the present, right?
We invited a local heating company over to give our furnace the once over,
but it was us who got the once over!
Who knew that was really a thing?
A real red tag and everything!
So, that wasn't awesome.
Paying someone ($94.00 in case you are wondering)...to literally,
No heat, in December, in Minnesota.
(for SIX. Days!)
So...having to wait SIX DAYS to have a new furnace installed,
we had plenty-o-time to clean out the nemesis that is our laundry room.
Ugh. How we hate this very ill functioning room.
I hated it even worse when the new furnace came, and couldn't be installed as promised,
because of that damn sump hole. Now, mind you, in 13 years in this home, we've never once had water coming out of that sump hole...but what if?
What if we put the new furnace over the top of the sump hole, and this spring brings water?
Growing up in North Dakota, one thinks of things like this ~ one has to...
The super amazing installation fella was able to give us a work around, and while we didn't get exactly what we signed up for (thanks Mr. Salesman guy...for selling me on something that didn't fit my space!!) and we now have a shiny, new, keeps-our-home-warm-even-in-record-low-temperatures, furnace.
I had planned on warming us all up in Florida later this month.
Being a grown up is hard, no?
And while this will for sure be a selling or renting point if and when that time actually does show up,
we now have a little more work to do.
So...what color should we paint, THIS TIME?
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Don't you hate when you actually try to do something like you are suppose to and it ends up coming back to bite you in the behind? It sucks you had to go through that, but at least it was caught before something serious happened.
Stopping by from #SITSBlogging.
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